With BQ Aquaris U Lite USB Driver installed on PC, we can establish a secure connection between Computer and Mobile. Based on your need download USB Driver for BQ Aquaris U Lite from the downloads section and install it on Windows PC by following the instructions provided below. The BQ Aquaris U Lite USB Drivers provided here are official and are virus free. Having trouble connecting BQ Aquaris U Lite to PC? It might be a driver problem, so just download BQ USB Drivers and install them on Windows 10, 7, 8, 8.1 or XP PC. Let them know if they carry a flash light to never shine it in the eyes of a driver. Box 1489 Tallahassee, FL, 32302 attn: USB public records You. If you can’t find a solution then contact us. Which product do you need help with? Diagnose your case. Here, on this page we have managed to share the official BQ USB Driver for all BQ devices. It also allows you to Flash BQ Stock Firmware on your BQ Device using the preloader drivers. BQ USB Drivers allows you to connect your BQ Smartphone and Tablets to the computer without the need of installing any software.